Alexander Ciccocelli

When the going gets tough, the tough get going!

Everyone has been touched by cancer at one point in their lives. That’s why I’m getting into shape in preparation for this year’s edition of the Randstad Ride.

I am motivated to end this terrible disease by supporting cancer research.  Every step I take, every kilometer I run or bike, will be in honour of my loved ones, friends and colleagues who have fought or are fighting a battle with cancer.

Please take a few moments to make a big difference, and give generously to my donation page. 

I’m getting ready for the Randstad Ride. How about you?

Quand les choses se corsent, on se retrousse les manches!

Tout le monde a été touché par le cancer à un moment de sa vie. C'est pourquoi je me mets en forme pour préparer l'édition de cette année de la Randonnée. 

Je suis motivé(e) par la volonté de mettre fin à cette terrible maladie en soutenant la recherche sur le cancer.  Chaque pas que je ferai, chaque kilomètre que je parcourrai en courant ou en faisant du vélo, je le ferai en l'honneur de mes proches, de mes amis et de mes collègues qui se sont battus ou se battent encore contre le cancer. 

Prenez quelques instants pour faire une grande différence, et donnez généreusement sur ma page de dons. 

Je me prépare pour la Randonnée Randstad. Et vous ?

My Achievements

added profile picture

self donation

shared page

joined or created a team

raised over $100

reached distance goal

return participant

Thank you to my Supporters


Jordan Hall


Dahlia Ciccocelli

Eat your vegetables <3


Joseph Virgilio

Your a good guy supporting a good cause. Glad I was able to play a small part in inspiring you to do this ride. All the best.




Julia Barzetti


Deanna Troiano

Happy Easter


Michael And Erica Troiano


Habit Dental



Agostino Ciccocelli


Sunnie Macpherson

Don't embarass the team. Just kidding. You got this!


Wendy Martynuik


Saif Bashi


Ryan Waud

Good luck man. Proud of you.


Nick Fitz


Alexander Ciccocelli

Please expense the most convenient bottled water!! Go go turtles !! 🤩


Tammy Martynuik


Andrew George

Big dawg, your the real mvp


John Furtado



Good luck Alex on your ride and reaching your goal.


E. Alejandro Quintos

Go get ‘em you sexy beast.


Axel Vedrine


Ayren Connor


Carl Boisvert

Congratulations Alex on your second year of the Ride for Myriam. Have a great time!


James Cantwell



Lara Speirs

Go Alex go!


Nihal Rao

Least I could do brother :') Smash those quads on the bike lol


Christina Bang

One kilometer for every MCD fry consumed! Let's go!!


Natasha Maiato

Great cause! Best of luck


Marc B

Good luck - happy to see you finally coming out from behind a desk.


Bryan Hewitt

Get it! 🙌🏼


Ryan Devlin

Let's see what a McDonald's fueled diet can really do


Sando Pellissery

Go for it my friend


Sando Pellissery

This is one is to make all of us at 777 proud ....LOL


Amyna Mohamed

You’ve got this Alex! So proud of you


Rabea Tariq

You got this Alex!!!


Peter & Rose Piccolo


Nafeesa Adamjee

Go get it Alex!!! Make us proud…or try to lol…kidding. You got this!


Stephen Burke

Best of luck boss!!


Sophia Khamush

You better come first place otherwise I want to refund


Nancy Mottile


Cody Manton


John Furtado


Paresh Mistry

Good luck Alex!


Shiela Perez

good luck!!



looking forward to consuming Mcdonald's with you weekly in preparation good luck boss


Alexander Ciccocelli


Peter Harris



Thanks for your dedication to such a worthy cause!


Sando Pellissery