Patrick Morrison

We can all make a difference

Raising awareness about cancer is crucial in the fight against this pervasive disease that touches us all.


Cancer does not discriminate; it affects people of all ages, genders, and backgrounds, creating a ripple effect that extends to families, friends, and entire communities. By increasing awareness, we foster a deeper understanding of the disease, promote early detection, and encourage preventive measures.


The journey I am undertaking—a 400km ride across Quebec—is not just a physical challenge; it is a tribute to Kim, a dear friend who tragically lost her battle with cancer at the age of 42. Kim’s story is a poignant reminder of the harsh reality of cancer. She left behind a young son, just 12 years old, who must now navigate life without his mother. This ride is a testament to Kim’s strength and resilience, and a call to action for all of us.


By participating in and supporting this ride, I honor Kim’s memory and contribute to a collective effort to end cancer.


I need your you help and each donation brings us one step closer to a world where no child has to grow up without a parent due to this devastating disease. It is a reminder that we are all connected, and by joining forces, we can make a meaningful difference in the lives of those affected by cancer.

When the going gets tough, the tough get going!

Everyone has been touched by cancer at one point in their lives. That’s why I’m getting into shape in preparation for this year’s edition of the Randstad Ride.

I am motivated to end this terrible disease by supporting cancer research.  Every step I take, every kilometer I run or bike, will be in honour of my loved ones, friends and colleagues who have fought or are fighting a battle with cancer.

Please take a few moments to make a big difference, and give generously to my donation page. 

I’m getting ready for the Randstad Ride. How about you?

Quand les choses se corsent, on se retrousse les manches!

Tout le monde a été touché par le cancer à un moment de sa vie. C'est pourquoi je me mets en forme pour préparer l'édition de cette année de la Randonnée. 

Je suis motivé(e) par la volonté de mettre fin à cette terrible maladie en soutenant la recherche sur le cancer.  Chaque pas que je ferai, chaque kilomètre que je parcourrai en courant ou en faisant du vélo, je le ferai en l'honneur de mes proches, de mes amis et de mes collègues qui se sont battus ou se battent encore contre le cancer. 

Prenez quelques instants pour faire une grande différence, et donnez généreusement sur ma page de dons. 

Je me prépare pour la Randonnée Randstad. Et vous ?

My Achievements

added profile picture

self donation

shared page

joined or created a team

raised over $100

reached distance goal

Thank you to my Supporters


Kumaren Manarroo

Good luck




Shawn Kidd

Good luck brother


Tristanne Lovetana

Hi there Coach, My name’s Tristanne, I’m Santino’s older sister. I was told by my parents that you were taking on a 400km ride for cancer and to say that is inspiring would be an understatement. Santino and I lost our grandparents to cancer so this is a cause that truly means a lot to us. Best of luck on your ride! Tristanne


Daniel Leon

Good luck, be safe and Thank You.


Jen Renwick

Amazing! Keep up the great work!




Heidi Porter


Simon Parsons


Chantal Morrison

I love you I loved Kim, she is missed.


Kim M


Tammy Marshall


The Cassidy’s

Very proud to support our inspirational leader for our team, good luck Coach!


David Stakel


Shannon Hatmaker


Sylvie Morrison

Good luck Cousin❤️



Have a great ride!!


Joyce Yu

All the best and stay safe!!!


Joanna And Steven


Joe Haars


Sonia Morrison

Good luck and have fun!


Stephanie Leon

Best of luck Pat!


Nilu Mahavitane

Good luck Pat


R Martins


Robert Beck


Linton Lounds

Great job PMO!


Les Hepburns



All the best for this adventure! And thanks for your generosity


Stephanie Mchenry


Carlis Lounds

Love it!


Lynn Quayle

Best of luck on your ride -- you are AWESOME!!


Johanne Phaneuf

Merci a toi et à tout les gens qui comme toi se donne pour se battre à votre façon contre se foutu cancer ! A la mémoire de Kim ❤️


Peter S


Frances Blundell

Good Luck Patrick!


Virginia Smith

Your spirit and energy makes you the greatest friend.


Jerrance Carter


Angele Letourneau

GO Patrick go! You are an amazing man, with a big heart. All my support goes out to you ♥


Carol Wills

Go PMO!!!


Jean-sébastien Plante

Et voilà les boys, lâchez pas 💪


Jean-sébastien Plante

Fait plaisir mon vieil ami ❤️


Christine Anderson

Good Luck PMo!!! We'll be rooting you on from across the boarder! You're amazing!


Thomas Taylor


Michele Brolly

You got this!


Nicole Wills

Good Luck!


Marcus Milos


David Falardeau

Good luck!


Paige Kay


Kyle Vance


Andrea Laforge


Chris Ellis

Best of luck PMO!!


Ryan Solomon

Go PMO!!



